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The cream did not help. The varicose veins are still there!

No cream will eliminate varicose veins! Oral tablets may improve the condition a little, but ultimately only treatments to choose from: 1. Laser therapy The so-called laser ablation of veins, considered by many to be the gold standard, is one of the least invasive and at the same time the most popular methods of treating varicose veins. The treatment involves thermal damage to the affected veins. The increase in temperature is achieved thanks to the intravascular emission of laser pulses that act on the wall of the varicose vein. 2. Steam Vein Sclerosis (Steam Vein Sclerosis) One of the most modern methods of treating varicose veins is removing them with steam. Just like the laser, it also allows you to close the diseased veins. How? Energy is transferred here via pure water, delivered in microdoses in the form of steam. For this purpose, a thin catheter is used, which is inserted into the vessels through the venflon. 3. Radio waves Removal of varicose veins with radio waves is another innovative technique that allows you to get rid of diseased vessels. The procedure performed with this method consists in introducing a catheter emitting high-frequency radio waves into the lumen of the varicose vein. Their energy leads to thermal ablation of the venous vessel, which also happens during the laser procedure. High temperature closes and shrinks the varicose vein, and finally - its absorption by the adjacent tissues. 4. Classic surgery for varicose veins (stripping) Surgical removal of inefficient veins (stripping) is usually used in advanced stages of the disease. There are three types of this operation: Babcock stripping, where the surgeon exposes the ends of the saphenous vein in the groin and around the medial malleolus, and then ligates its end in the groin (where it joins the femoral vein). Then, through the end located near the ankle, he inserts the probe with a hook, pulls it through the entire length of the vein, cuts off its ligated ends, attaches to the probe and in the last stage - removes it; la Piverte stripping (cryostripping) - here instead of the classic probe a probe cooled to -80 degrees Celsius is used. Thanks to this, the ends of the saphenous vein do not have to be tied, because they freeze to the probe. This makes the operation shorter and the risk of hematomas lower; saphenous vein stripping is a procedure similar to the methods described above, but it concerns the saphenous vein and not the saphenous vein. Due to the large number of variants of the course of this vessel and the difficulties in locating its ends, this procedure is rarely performed.

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