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Products when purchased do not match what appears on the shop website
No company registration details on
the seller is obliged to make them available.
Very poor quality of workmanship
Instruction - how to shop safely on the web: Start shopping online by finding the registration details of the trader on the shop's website - the trader is obliged to make them available. Before you buy, always check that the website has an address to which you can send the return in case of a complaint. Often, if there is no address, we will send the returns to China at our expense. Please check the price of the product you are looking for in other shops, often a big promotion is simply not possible. It is worth contacting the shop before buying, does their phone have someone answering it? It is worth repeating this procedure for any online purchases. It is worth checking the shop's Facebook page, are there comments under posts ? Is it empty and gives food for thought. Please remember that the market for purchased positive comments is booming, so please verify the content carefully. The above procedure will not protect you from scammers, but it may reduce the risk of buying a faulty product. You can contact the CONSUMER REPRESENTATIVE when a shop does not send you goods or does not accept your complaint and there are communication problems with the shop:
  and if you have been scammed by any online shop, please also write to us. You can post photos on our facebook page and publicise the case so that fewer people are scammed.

Witam, nie bardzo wiem, jak to określić…chyba naciąganie naiwnych. We wrześniu ub roku w sklepie internetowym Siupla złożyłam zamówienie, opłaciłam je i wysłałam. Po jakimś miesiącu ( powinnam otrzymać zmówienie do 15 dni!) napisałam do nich z zapytaniem, co z zamówieniem. O dziwo, odpisali mi, że wróciło z granicy z powodu jakiegos problemu z cłem. Zaproponowali cierpliwość albo zwrot pieniędzy. Napisałam, że zaczekam, jeśli to nie potrwa dłużej, niż 2 tygodnie (czyli kolejne 15 dni) a jeśli nie sa w stanie zrealizować zamówienie, niech zwrócą pieniądze. Gdy po tej wiadomości zapadła cisza, byłam zaniepokojona i pisałam do nich kolejnych kilka wiadomości, z żądaniem zwrotu gotówki. Do dziś echo, cisza. Co myślicie? Jak “ugryźć” ten temat?

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